Special Education Language Acquisition (SELA)

What Is SELA?

House Bill (HB) 548 requires the commissioner of the Texas Education Agency and the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to ensure that the language acquisition of each child eight years of age or younger who is deaf or hard of hearing is regularly assessed using a tool or assessment.

No later than August 31st of each year, a report shall be published on the language acquisition of children eight years of age or younger who are deaf or hard of hearing. The data collected in the Special Education Language Acquisition (SELA) data collection will be used in the creation of this report.

Local education agencies (LEAs) must report SELA data for students who meet the following criteria:

  • Eight years of age or younger on September 1st of the school year
  • Identified with a disability of “Deaf-Blindness (Deaf-Blind)” or “Hearing/Auditory Impairment (Auditory Impairment)”

Data Submission Timeline

SELA is an annual data collection and will be due to the agency in June of each year. LEAs will be required to submit their SELA data throughout the school year. Users may begin loading TSDS data when the Operational Data Store (ODS) opens each year. LEAs may begin promoting data to SELA when the collection opens at the beginning of the school year.

Refer to the Texas Education Data Standards for specific SELA data submission timelines.

Technical Data Flow
