The Texas P-20 Public Education Information Resource is a longitudinal data warehouse that links students from PK through enrollment and graduation from Texas colleges (P-20). It is managed by TEA in partnership with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
The statewide data solution loads data from the certified PEIMS data store to the state’s P‒20 data warehouse, TPEIR.
In addition to 20+ years of P-12 and higher education data from Texas colleges and universities and information on teacher certification and teacher preparation programs, the warehouse has been expanded to link critical missing prekindergarten, college readiness, and workforce (wage, industry, and employment) data.
TPEIR allows for the analysis of student data from enrollment into the public education system through matriculation and graduation from Texas colleges and into the labor market.
As such, Texas has the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of P-12 programs based on how well they prepare students to contribute to the 21st-century workforce.
For more on TPEIR, please go to: http://www.texaseducationinfo.org/
TPEIR is a longitudinal data repository that houses both historical PEIMS data and other academic and other performance data. The data in TPEIR is aggregated for anonymity and then formatted for public view.