TSDS Unique ID will enable education agencies to create randomly generated unique identifiers to support all the subsystems of TSDS and to provide cleaner longitudinal education data.
Unique ID Web Services
Unique ID web services are currently available. These web services allow student information system (SIS) and Human Resources (HR) vendors to interact directly with the Unique ID system. Vendors can incorporate the Unique ID web services into their software to search for a student/staff, assign/retrieve a Unique ID, retrieve near matches or to resolve near matches. Interested LEAs should refer their student information system (SIS) and Human Resources (HR) vendors to the TSDS Unique ID specifications.
Why Is TSDS Unique ID Necessary?
TSDS Unique ID is necessary in order to integrate the various subsystems of TSDS smoothly and accurately--it is better able to reduce duplicates and other errors than TEA's previous identification management system.
How Is Unique ID Used?
NOTE: Unique ID training is now available from the ESCs or Certified Vendors! Contact your ESC or Certified Vendor for details.
Local education agencies (LEAs—Texas school districts and charter schools) use Unique ID numbers to load student and staff information to the TSDS Education Data Warehouse (EDW). Each student and staff member will have a single unique identifier for his or her entire career within the Texas educational system (from early education programs through the twelfth grade). Individuals will retain the same unique identifier even if they leave the Texas education system and return years later or transition from being a student to a staff member.
All student/staff additions and changes must be made through Unique ID.
All LEAs must use have UIDs for their students and staff to submit data for all collections.
How Does TSDS Unique ID Benefit my LEA?
The TSDS Unique ID system provides enhanced matching logic to assist users in reconciling individuals who have closely matching demographics (first name, last name, date of birth, etc.). Through Unique ID's user-friendly interface, LEA users can assign IDs and update student and staff demographics more quickly and efficiently than in the past.
Unique ID TEDS Standards
Unique ID extracts must be compliant with TEDS Section 9 standards. Unlike all other TEDS extracts, extracts for Unique ID should be in comma-separated variable (CSV) format.
- Current TEDS Section 9: Unique ID Specifications
- Complete set of TSDS TEDS standards
- Archive of prior releases of TEDS standards
All data loaded to the EDW will be validated against the Unique ID system, ensuring that every person is assigned a unique identification number.
or More Information
- TSDS Unique ID FAQs
- TSDS Unique ID User Guide
- A list of the TSDS Champions
- TSDS Unique ID Web Services
LEAs will be able to assign Unique IDs to student and staff in two ways: via a batch file created in CSV format or via individual record entry through the Unique ID application.