Where can I find LEA resources for TSDS?
In the LEA Guide – a source for technical information, timelines, and resources for technical support staff at districts and charter schools as they adopt and maintain TSDS.
LEA Guide
What Is TSDS?
TSDS is Texas' new education data collection system.
It replaces and expands on PEIMS EDIT+, and its goal is to improve and standardize the data collection and data management process in the State of Texas, and equip educators with timely, actionable and historical student data to drive classroom and student success.
How Does TSDS Affect Technical Support Staff?
Depending on your campus, LEA, or ESC, you may be involved in any of the following:
- Supporting your LEA's deployment of TSDS (for participating LEAs)
- Transitioning to a SIS offered by your current vendor or a vendor who is new to you
- Ensuring that your SIS is able to provide PEIMS extracts that comply with the new XML-based Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS)
- Assisting with the installation of the client-side validation tool
- Creating a local staging area for housing LEA or ESC extracts to be loaded to the EDW
- Supporting submissions to TSDS PEIMS and the Enrollment Tracker (ET)
- Supporting use of TSDS PEIMS, Enrollment Tracker, Unique ID, and any other components of the TSDS system
- Enrolling all authorized staff in TEA's new security system, TEA Login (TEAL)
- Assigning a new Unique ID number to all staff and students at your LEA
- Participate in TSDS training, including courses offered by your ESC and online training
Thumbnail of the TSDS Implementation Timeline. Click to view the full timeline.
For More Information...
To learn more about the TSDS initiative:
- For general implementation information, visit our Next Steps with TSDS page
- To learn how to implement or use the new system, take advantage of TSDS training opportunities
- Explore the history of the TSDS project and the TSDS Project Archives
- For additional help, visit our Frequently Asked Questions or contact TSDSCustomerSupport@tea.texas.gov